Scheme Funding

The appointed Actuary carries out regular valuations of the Scheme to make sure it is able to meet its commitment to pay members’ benefits. Legally this must be done at least every three years.

The Trustee’s annual newsletter (the Source) includes the Summary Funding Statement, which summarises the SOCPF’s funding position at the end of each year.


The Trustee sets the investment strategy for the SOCPF after taking advice from the Investment Adviser and the Scheme Actuary. The Trustee delegates the day-to-day management of investments to Shell Asset Management Company, Shell’s in-house investment manager.

More in Shell Overseas Contributory Pension Fund

I work at Shell

This section of the website contains information for members of the SOCPF.

I have left Shell

This section gives pension information for ex-employees of Shell, not yet in receipt of their pension.