I would like to report a death
We're sorry to hear that you need to inform us of the death of one of our scheme members. Please accept our condolences on behalf of the Shell Contributory Pension Fund.
To register a death, please call us on +44 (0)20 7934 1190 or email us at UK-PensionsAdmin@shell.com. Please make sure that you have the following details to hand when you contact us:
- The member’s full name and date of birth.
- Ideally, the member's pension number or national insurance number.
- The date that the member died.
- If the member is the main scheme member and not a dependant pensioner, then details of a spouse, civil partner or financially dependent person who may be entitled to dependant’s benefits.
We will take your name and email address so that we can write to you about further information and documents we will need.
More in Shell Contributory Pension Fund
I work at Shell
This section of the website contains information for active members of the SCPF.
I have left Shell
This section gives pension information for ex-employees of Shell, not yet in receipt of their pension.