The Advisers
To assist in the complex task of managing the SCPF, the Trustee takes professional advice from a number of different Advisers.
Actuary - The Scheme Actuary appointed by the Trustee is Michael Webb (Aon).
The Scheme Actuary advises the Trustee on various aspects of scheme funding and conducts an actuarial valuation every three years to determine the funding position of the SCPF.
Auditor - The Auditor appointed by the Trustee is Ernst & Young LLP.
The Auditor reports on the financial statements in the Accounts and the Auditor’s report incorporates the results arising from the audit. An audit will be conducted at least once every year and more often in certain circumstances.
Investment Adviser - The Investment Adviser appointed by the Trustee is Aon.
The Investment Adviser provides investment advice to the Trustee. The Investment Adviser helps the Trustee to monitor investment performance and the performance of the Investment Manager.
Investment Manager - The Investment Manager appointed by the Trustee is Shell Asset Management Company.
The Investment Manager invests the SCPF assets in accordance with the investment strategy and guidelines set out by the Trustee. These are set out in detail in the Statement of Investment Principles.
Legal Advisers - The Legal Advisers appointed by the Trustee are Shell International Limited and Hogan Lovells LLP.
More in Shell Contributory Pension Fund
I work at Shell
This section of the website contains information for active members of the SCPF.
I have left Shell
This section gives pension information for ex-employees of Shell, not yet in receipt of their pension.