The Trustee believes that environmental, social, economic and governance (ESG) performance are fundamental to a company’s success and thereby its long-term financial returns. The Trustee also believes that the goal of any company should be to produce sustainable long-term financial value, which will be helped by having long term owners to whom the company is accountable and by having owners who are clear about their expectations.
The Trustee wishes to be invested in companies and other assets that are able to demonstrate that they embrace these objectives.
To help the Trustee with their objectives they have adopted the UN Global Compact Principles as its Responsible Ownership framework for the SCPF and has also signed up to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) as an investment management framework for giving consideration to environmental, social and corporate governance issues.
You can read more about the approach taken by the Trustee to ensure that its ownership of relevant assets is carried out in a responsible manner in its Responsible Ownership Policy.
Responsible Ownership Policy